Thursday, April 30, 2009

Krew Agrotek RTM 1 Telah Datang Untuk Buat Rakaman di Kolam Al Hafiz ( RTM1 Agrotech Crew had came for shooting at Al Hafiz Pond)

Membuat rakaman mengenai bekam lintah di Al Hafiz (Shooting about leech theraphy at Al Hafiz)

Lintah diletakkan pada titik bekam yang betul (Leech had only put at exact theraphy point)

En Ramlee Johari (Penerbit Agrotek) sedang khusyuk melihat gambaran sebenar kolam ternakan Al Hafiz (Mr. Ramlee Johari (Agrotek Director) had consentrate on Al Hafiz farm pond)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rawatan Bekam Cara Islam (Islamic Theraphy Treatment)

Tekanan darah pesakit diambil terlebih dahulu (Firstly, the blood pressure of the patient must be taken up)
Lintah yang telah dikuarantinkan dan dibersihkan sahaja yang digunakan (The leech must been quarantine and cleaness before using it)

Lintah diletakkan di 'titik' yang bersesuaian (The leech must been put at the exact point)

Selepas lintah jatuh sendiri, pam Angin digunakan untuk mengeluarkan kesemua darah kotor yang terdapat di kawasan itu (After the leech is automatically fell down , wind pump had been used for sucking all the tocsid blood in that area )

Setelah selesai, antiseptik digunakan bagi memberhentikan aliran darah keluar (Finally, antiseptic had been used to stop the blood circulation)

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Pintu gerbang Al Hafiz sahaja sudah menunjukkan 'Izzah' (Al Hafiz land marks shows its 'Great')
Ibu Pejabat Al Hafiz (Al Hafiz Head Quarters)

Pusat Latihan Al Hafiz (Al Hafiz Training Centre)

Kursus juga boleh dilakukan pada waktu siang / malam (The training also can be teach in day/night)

Susun atur pejabat Al Hafiz yang kondusif (The condusive of Al Hafiz office structured)

Tempat berdiskusi (Discussion place)

Penginapan Homestay turut disediakan kepada peserta kursus (The Homestay accomodation had also provided for participants )
Nak bawak family pun boleh (You also can bring your family together)
Kemudahan tandas di Homestay juga canggih (The Homestay have sophisticated toilet facility)